Teachers use a wide variety of tools and samples to assess learners’ progress in English.
Assessment in English covers all aspects of the curriculum, including Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening.
System Assessment
The Catholic Education System in Victoria mandates certain English assessments in Years Prep – 2. The tests include:
- Running Records
- Record of Oral Language (ROL)
Other assessment can also be completed to assist with building a picture of learners’ knowledge, including:
- Concepts about Print (CAP)
- Letter Identification
- Hearing and Recording Sounds in Words
Teacher Assessment
Teachers in all year levels use some of the above tests and assessment tools in their judgement of learners’ progress.
Other forms of assessment that are used include:
- Peters Dictation
- Clay Word Test
- Burt Word Test
- SA Spelling
- Formal Writing Assessments
- On Demand testing
- Anecdotal notes and records from small group work
- Notes made in Writing Conferences
- Learner reflections
For further information about Assessment, please contact your child’s home group teacher.