
Mathematics is an important human endeavour, which includes study about Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.

The Mathematics program at St James the Apostle Primary School is structured around the Victorian Curriculum – Mathematics (Version 2.0), supported by the Ochre Education resources produced with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).

At St James the Apostle Primary School we adopt teaching and learning strategies in Mathematics that enable children to be actively engaged in the learning process, learning mathematics concepts and skills that can be used in real life.

Learners use a range of materials and move towards deep understanding and abstract thinking of mathematics, and at all levels, learners are encouraged to share their strategies and reflect on their mathematical thinking.

Learners are provided with rich mathematical learning experiences that allow them to participate in oral activities, written activities, manipulation of concrete materials, games, problem solving, open-ended tasks, problem-solving task centres and the use of calculators and digital tools to develop mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Mathematics learning and teaching involves developing skills in the following areas:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Measurement
  • Space
  • Statistics
  • Probability (in Middle and Senior Learning Communities)

Learners work towards becoming proficient mathematicians through being learners who:

  • Understand;
  • Are fluent;
  • Can solve problems; and
  • Give reasons.
We use evidence-based practices for the teaching of Mathematics, which include:

• Developing number sense
• Building fluency
• Teaching mathematics concepts
• Using concrete materials
• Using problem-solving strategies
• Using explicit instruction
• Using precise mathematics language

MACS. (2024). Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement, p17