Since the middle of Term 3, our Year 4 learning community has been engaged in learning about how to be people of service and mission.
Even though everyone was learning at home, learners continued inquiring into the question “What can I do to be of service to others?”.
This unit of work provided learners an opportunity to explore Catholic Social Teaching and how this social teaching impacts decision making. With a focus on the principles of Human Dignity, The Common Good and Preferential Option for the Poor, Year 4 explored what Catholic Mission does to be of service to others.
This learning was supported with Socktober resources from Catholic Mission, which were developed in response to the need for accessible materials for learning at home.
Learners were invited to set up their own fundraising page and share their learning throughout the program with their families.
This learning culminated in the Socktober Event Day, which allowed all members of our community to contribute to the work of Catholic Mission. Over $3000 was raised by Year 4 and the wider school community.
Principal Mary Abbott was overjoyed with the result, saying “I’m really proud of what our Year 4s have done, how much they’ve managed to raise, and what they’ve learnt about their call to mission. Today is a celebration of everything that they have achieved in their learning, their advocacy and their fundraising. Crazy Sock Day is a celebration of our commitment to mission here at St James.”
For the full story, visit the Catholic Education Melbourne website.