In Play Areas

Learners making positive behaviour choices outside ensure a safe environment for playing and relaxing.


The same expectations that apply in learning spaces also apply outside.

By having one set of clear expectations across the whole School, learners are reminded that the same expectations apply to everyone.

At St James the Apostle Primary School:

  • We are safe
  • We are responsible
  • We are respectful
  • We are learners


Consequences are in place for learners who display undesired minor and major behaviours outside. Positive social behaviours are recognised through rewards.

Positive behaviours

Reward Morning Tea

Learners who are ‘caught’ making good behaviour choices are rewarded with a reinforcement ticket, also known as a fishy ticket. Learners put their fishy ticket in a year level box during break times. At Assembly, ten learners from across the school are drawn from the raffle boxes for a morning tea with the Principal.

Minor undesired behaviours

If a learner displays minor undesired behaviours, the consequence of a period of time out on the playground applies. This time will depend on the age of the learner and the severity of the behaviour.

Major undesired  behaviours

For major undesired behaviours, learners are removed from the playground. During this period of time out, the learner has the opportunity to discuss the event with a school leader and explore how to make things right. Parents are also contacted about this behaviour choice.

Any learner who is removed from the playground after a major behaviour involving physicality will not return to play areas and will need to spend their break time inside. A re-entry meeting with parents is required before the learner can return to being able to play outside.